Broadcaster and Moderator applications

The Broadcaster application enables users to present a webinar to their audience. This can be done from a professional studio which uses multiple cameras, or from home simply using a laptop with a webcam. The presenter can move through the slides of the presentation, show videos or share their desktop. He/she can also interact with the viewers, by reacting to chat messages and starting polls.

Webinars can be watched by hundreds, and sometimes thousands of viewers simultaniously. Using the Moderator application, moderators can manage the chat messages from these viewers. By default all chat is private. Moderators can forward messages they think are important or usefull to the broadcaster who can then discuss it live during the webinar. Or they can forward it to the public channel, where it will be visible to all viewers. In extreme conditions, they can also choose to ban a user.

Both applications are made in React. This makes it possible to reuse components in the two tools.

The initial design was done in cooperation with a colleague.

Images of the project coming soon.